So, we are getting a rebate in May. My mind was already planning on how to spend it: playset for the kids, clothes, christmas presents, fence, etc. Then I read a friend's hubby's blog at and I started thinking. So we get a few thousand, but what has Jesus really taught me about money. Didn't he tell us the parable of how the master gave 3 men 3 different wages to see what they would do with them (see Matthew 25:14-30). One invested and doubled his return, the second did the same, the third hid it away and got nothing out of it. So, I had to realize, how do I want to invest it? Yes, a play area would be great for the kids, but what about their Ethiopian friends who have no water, or food, or shelter? What about them? Should my selfish heart give up on them? What better investment that to help others. So, my hubby and I decided to give to the following places:
AHOPE is and HIV orphanage in Ethiopia. These sweeties are adoptable and sponsorable. For $30 a month, your money pays for the meds the children need to survive. HIV is a manageable disease. It is not the death sentence the world once thought as long as medication and treatment is available. These kids are the sweetest kids. I have had the priveledge to hang out with them a lot. I can't wait to go back and see them again. So far, there have been over 25 kids that have been adopted in the US from AHOPE. is an organization my friend KT told me about. You basically buy a cow for a family to use. I plan on researching this more.
1000 wells. I believe for $3000 a well can be dug. So, as K points out, 5 families at $600 each pays for a new well. I'm game!
So, when you get your check in May, think of who you can help. Here is a picture from Soddo, Ethiopia where my boys are from. They could use your help.
Life is as usual out of control. Eventhough I stress, yell, cry, get sad, worried, etc. I love every minute of my life. What 30 something has 7 kids at home, 1 in Germany, another big kid for a hubby, 5 cats, 2 dogs, a small house, a truck without 4 wheel drive in the worst Spokane winter ever, 4 bibles (did we forget some people can't even have one?), cameras, tvs, a job, a computer, cubboards of food, etc. I stress so much, but God is graceful and merciful, but most importantly - gentle. He loves to gently remind me of His provisions when it is time to pay bills. He reminds me when I am not praying or getting in the Word. Today I was reading my "bible in a year" book (I am only about 7 days behind), when I came across this "God replied, 'I AM the one who always is. Just tell them "I AM has sent me to you." Ex 3:14 God is always and is I AM. He continues to provide for all of us. I praise him for the blessings he has given me.
January is always a hard month for us and I am sure many others. Holidays are over, it is my birthday, so I get older, we are broke and it is STILL winter! I just have to hold strong that spring is coming!
We have had snow days for the first time in a long time. We have gotten a lot of snow lately. It was a crazy week. This has been the snowiest winter since I moved here 9 yrs ago. It is actually closer to Montana winters which I love. Well, until our 4 wheel drive truck lost its 4 wheel drive. It is a little scarier to drive now. :) Not much else to say. We did get our first stiches with the little ones. Apparently a hockey stick to the ear without a helmet can cut your ear bad enough to get 4 stiches. Poor Caleb. It is all healed now!
Here is a little video of Sophia singing "happy birthday". She is obsessed with it and sings it everyday. It is so cute! A light does come on during the filming so you can see her.
Here are some pictures of my birthday and fun times. We ate at IHOP (remember, kids eat free with each paying adult, unless it is all-you-can-eat pancakes and your teens get that) and the older boys made it to 14 pancakes. Mmmm.
Here is the gang minus Malchi at IHOP.
This one is for you Malchi. I am trying to upload the video, but I am having Youtube probs.
I love watching Nick and Kev play hockey. This is Nick. See the 'C'. He is the Captain!
This is what happens when your daughter falls 1 foot onto the floor from her bed. This happens a lot!