Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The new phone books are here! The new phone books are here!

So, our boy's school has little phone books with all their classmates. We have gotten 3 phone calls since. The first was a little boy. Then 2nd and 3rd were from a girl for Caleb. Ooooohhhh, I think he has a kindergarten girlfriend! Have you ever truly listened to a phone call from a child from Ethiopia who speaks little english and some other 5/6 yr old? It is awesome! Giovanni and the little boy said "what" at the same time which then erupted into laughter for about 5 minutes!

Life is good here. The boys are somewhat excited about Thanksgiving. The were really excited until I explained there are no presents (wrong holiday). It amazes me everyday how great they are doing. Caleb is speaking mostly in full sentences. Giovanni is still struggling with feeling like he is equally loved. He acts like he doesn't know how to count or his letters if he feels he will get more attention. They had their first birthday party for a friend today. It was pretty funny. I think they were kind of wondering if the presents were for them. It was funny. I feel bad because theirs aren't for awhile. :(

Malcom leaves for the Air Force next week. I am so very sad. I think the boys are going to have a really rough time of it. They have totally bonded to him. He has been a lifesave watching them for us. We are hoping to make it to his graduation in January. We'll see. He is cookie monster here.

Lately I have really been thinking a lot about my life. I am so incredibly blessed with my family, my friends, my job, my house and most importantly my God. He has totally filled my life. I know there is so much more He has planned and I can't wait to see what it is. He has given so much to all of us, why shouldn't I give a little back.

Here are some pictures of the kids. I hope life is treating you all well. I can't believe it has already been 4 months since coming home!

They can't wait till Hockey!

The boys gave their teacher a Thanksgiving present. Here is their first wrapping job. They picked out the wrapping paper (christmas). :) Please note Caleb's too small Nemo pjs. :)

Yes, unfortunately it is starting to get cold. This, however, was for her first hockey game of Nick's. Cold rink.

This is what happens when your daddy piles tons of toys on his daughter. It was hillarious!


Anonymous said...

How awesome...I love the pictures. It's so great to get to see you every week again. :) I love listening to kids telephone conversations. The boys' have got to be great. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

We are so blessed to know you, my friend. What beautiful children. It is hard to believe that only 4 months ago we were in Addis, meeting them for the first time. Give them all huge hugs for me.

Please tell the "big" boys I said hi. I thought they were great! And Megan still goes nuts when she sees their pictures.

PastormacsAnn said...

Thanks for sharing your precious ones with all of us. I'll be praying for you as you say good-bye to Malcom.

Leah said...

Everyone looks great! I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, so much to be thankful for! I will be praying for you and the boys as Malcom leaves, that must be hard. We are still tossing around times of when we'll up in your direction, not till summer though but I'll keep you posted:) Time sure flies once they are home!