Sunday, December 10, 2006

Here I come, Ready or not

"And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as membres of one body you are all called to live in peace. And always be thankful." Colossians 3:14-15

Life is so awesome! We have so much to be thankful for. In the last week I have really been hit hard on forgiveness. A week or so ago, a friend of our had his sentencing for murder. This guy is 19 yrs old. He got caught up into drugs and the worst that could happen did. At the sentencing, the mother of the victim pleaded for a reduced sentencing. She had forgiven this young man for what he did. Why? Because the has Christ in her heart and knows that at the root of life, is forgiveness. I was moved by her comments and love of the Lord. So, I have finally realized than when I don't forgive, in the same breath I hate those that I can't forgive. For months I held on to bitterness for my husband, and I finally released that bitterness by forgiving him.

Forgiveness is Divine. It is our wonderful example of God's love for us. Christ showed us this love and forgiveness when, on the cross right before his death, He asked for forgiveness for us! When we don't forgive others, how can we spread the word of the Lord? Why would anyone want to believe someone about Christ if they can't even forgive, just as Christ forgave us. As our pastor said at service, my forgiveness of others is the barometer of my appreciation of God's forgiveness. So, I ask, who do you have to forgive? An ex-boyfriend/husband, a sibling, a parent, a co-worker, a friend, a teacher, or most importantly - yourself. When we got to God and seek forgiveness our slate is wiped clean. Like a white board, there is no more evidence of our wrongs on God's white board. So, today I am going to forgive all that I can. And each time I am wronged I will search my heart for this forgiveness and as I wrong others, seek their forgiveness.

On to the homefront, Malcom has been gone for almost 2 weeks. I didn't realize how hard it would be! When cooking I still make sure we save some for him! We go to see his graduation in January! Yeah! Warmth of Texas during our coldest month when it normally goes below zero! Oh, and Sea World and Six Flags. Oh the excitement of this small town girl.

Yesterday we went to see Santa. I wasn't going to instil in the boys Santa, but they have picked up on the fantasy from school. So, we are in a dilema. How do you tell them he (and superman and spiderman) are not real? How do you explain why there was no Santa in Ethiopia. This jury is still out on Santa, toothfairy, etc. We'll see. But, I must say, Santa is a friend of Malcom so it was hilarious to see Caleb and Giovanni's faces when he called them by name! Oh, Sophia freaked! We got pictures taken, so I will post them after I scan them.

We also went Christmas tree hunting and found one! It was so fun. Poor Caleb. Being the youngest boy he gets picked on by ALL his older brothers. I have never seen a kid get pelted by so many snowballs. Finally he said "I don't like flying balls. No more. I'm cold." Sophia didn't like the cold and rain much. We are hoping to get the tree up today.

Caleb is so funny. They play hide-and-seek all the time. Well, we taught them, ready or not here I come. But it always comes out, Here I come! Ready or not! They are so hilarious sometimes. Like last night after the hockey game, Caleb wearing the popcorn bucket on his head saying it is a helmet to protect him from snow! A giovanni always laughing at the funniest things! He randomly said "Lighting McQueen" fully! He also likes to say "My mama is belisamo!" Gee, I wonder who taught him that?

Here are some pictures in no particular order!

Our last night to see Malcom. This was taken at his hotel.

Our family Christmas Tree!

Sophia is walking around with her new toy. She does pretty good. Anyday now she will be walking!

Kevin's glorious pose Christmas tree hunting!

Nick's dive of Superman!

Nick and Giovanni racing through the Christmas trees!

Ok, so I fully admit I love watching boys slide down our stairs in boxes. It is hilarious! Here goes Giovanni!

Here is Caleb's face plant. No injuries. We need to get a laudry basket for better sliding.


Anonymous said...

Those pictures are're definitely a mom of boys letting them slide down the stairs in boxes. LOL And, there's George in his shorts. LOL

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Leah said...

Sandra, you guys look great! We don't have room in our house for a tree so I'm jealous of yours! I can't believe how big Sophia is! They sure grow fast don't they? We are anxiously awaiting summer, I can't wait to meet you all!

Daniel said...

You have a beautiful family. It looks like you guys have a great time together.