Monday, September 25, 2006

It's a bird, It's a Plane ...

You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call you. Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry of mercy. In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. Psalm 86:5-7

It's Superman! Here our the boys jumping off our couch and flying through the air onto the cushions. Yes they have capes and muscles. Good thing we were never about "new" items. Our couches are pretty trashed, but at least all the kids have fun.

So, I survived the first week of work. It was a lot harder than I thought. Thank goodness my boss is AWESOME! I think I had the hardest time knowing my baby was being cared by someone else. I just wanted to hold her and love her. It was a little difficult having the boys at home, but I am hoping to get a routine in eventually.

They are still thriving at school. I am wondering if we need to bump Giovanni up, though. He is definitely older than the kindergartners and I don't want him to be out of place. Please pray for God's guidance.

We had our family photos done this weekend. George's friend is a photographer and he was taking Nick's senior pics so we asked if he could add some in. I can't wait to see them! It was pretty cool to see this huge family getting pictures taken. I can't wait till we get even bigger.

Malcom hear his leave date is November 28th. So we have some more time with him. I am still trying to figure out how to explain to the boys they won't see Malcom for a while.

Sophia has been sick over the weekend. I received my first projectile vomit last night. Mmmm, sweet potatoes and carrots. She is still icky today, so a little needy. But hey, I get my cuddle time!

Giovanni amazes us more and more with his high pain tolerance. He was climbing the bunk bed this weekend when he slipped and fell backwards into the dresser. He received a HUGE bump with a nice cut and of course - blood. The amazing thing is Caleb told us about it. He never ONCE cried!

Caleb still is our happy la-da-da boy. He really is always happy! His laugh is contagious and so is his smile.

I love what our adoption has done at our church. There are so many families thinking about adoption after seeing the kids. God is so awesome for pulling at their heartstrings. I must say, we are preparing our hearts for our next adoption. We are just waiting on God's timing and help financially. It truly is an addiction. These kids are amazing at what they can go through and still smile, hug, and laugh. I wonder what they believe as true and as fake. Do they really think Superman flies, or creatures really look the ones on Star Wars (ok, so they were a little young and scared), or what about the halloween stuff that makes Gio bolt out of the store. I can't wait till their english gets better so they can explain more of their American experiences. Their eating improves everyday. Corndogs, hotdogs, mac and cheese, ice cream, cheese, they are all "yummy" now. We haven't had any breakdowns for the last couple of weeks on food. They love church and are dissappointed we aren't going tonight. They also learned the importance of "NO CUTTING" in the slide line during recess.

Yesterday we bought their halloween costumes. How do you explain to them we have to wait 35 more nite-nites until they get to wear them again? Today we all went to lunch with for my boss' birthday. We had Malcom watch the boys until I got home. I told George during lunch "What do you want to bet they have their costumes on when I get home?" Yup, Gio was sporting the Superman costume. I won't give away what Sophia is. You'll have to wait.

Well, time to make dinner. I leave you with these pictures. Always praying and loving our Ethiopian American family. Thanks for reading!

Our four boys. One generation of hockey passed on to the next. I think Giovanni will really like it and become a defenseman.

I love to see all of them playing together.

We are so cool in our costumes! As George said, this is the first black Superman! :)


shell said...

love it love it. i love the way you caught them both in mid-air, flying off the couch!!! our cushions are on the floor EVERYDAY as well. cant wait to see what goad does next!

chel said...

Very cute! not sure how you got them both in mid air but definately a keeper picture. I love the hockey one. Nothing brings me more happiness than watching my children play together:-)

Anonymous said...

My sister has your couch! It is SO comfy. I have to try jumping off of it next time I go there -- looks like fun. :)

KT said...

Your family is so beautiful! I cant wait to see your family pic.....:)
Our family was too big for the Wal-Mart studio, so I had to set up my tripod and do our own pics:) They turned out good, and I really dont like studio pics anyway, so it worked out.
We can set up a time for the girls to talk to you boys. Boys are less verbal by nature, an if there was trama, they will be even more reserved. Have you done any art therapy? We do a little, and need to do more. But Im pretty sure our girls only trama is their broken toes:)
My email is Let me know if you want my #

Thanks for sharing your family with us!!!

The Brothers said...

My mom once said, "Are you sure about this African adoption thing?" All I could think of was, "Have I ever known a family who did international adoption 1 time? It's always 2, 3, or even 4 times. This speaks for itself." We're really looking forward to getting God's "go ahead" to begin! Your children give me the "I wants"!

PastormacsAnn said...

Love stopping by your blog for a visit. That first picture is fantastic - you can almost feel the energy.

PastormacsAnn said...

Love stopping by your blog for a visit. That first picture is fantastic - you can almost feel the energy.

Thankfulmom said...

Sandra, It is so fun to see new photos and hear more about your family. Your children are adjusting so well, it gives me hope for mine.