Tuesday, March 13, 2007


So, we have been home for almost 8 months. It has been crazy, but such a blessing from God. I want to show you how far we have come.

This is Giovanni's referral picture. We know now he had never sat on a toilet, ate bread, potatoes and corn every day. He hearded goats, picked coffee, carried water and went to the market. He spoke his regional language Wolaittan. He came home with giardia, scalp problems and malnurishment.

This is Giovanni last December. He speaks English really well, can write letters, is learning shapes, colors, language, writing, and small words. He love to draw and color. He has such a gentle and imaginative spirit. He is my little smartie. His birthday is March 17th so that makes him an Ethiopian, Irish, Italian American.

Here is our little spitfire Caleb. He has changed SO much. He was supposed to 3 1/2, but is 5 going on 7. :) When we brought him home he had never seen a toilet, was whipped by his mom, only had eaten potatoes, had never held a pen or silverware, was full of giardia and bacteria, and was severely malnourished. He was a size 3.
Here is he today. He has grown 6 inches, gained 7 pounds, speaks english very well, Is learning shapes, colors, numbers, letters, words, etc. He is a very competitive and strives to be the best. He is very active and has tons of energy. He is going to be trouble.
Here are the boys 2 weeks after home. We went to Bozeman to visit family. I face painted their face with Spongue Bob and the Ethiopian flag. Look how much smaller Caleb was, now he is taller!
I couldn't get Sophia's referral picture to post, but here is a picture of her being held by her big brother, Malcom. Note no hair and she is wearing 3/6 month clothes. She was on formula, baby cereal, she could sit with help but was very active. She was 5 months when we go her and weighed 16 pounds.
Here she is with Great-Grandma Mabel 2 weeks after coming home.
Here is our baby girl at 12 months. She now ways 22 pounds and is in 12 month size clothes. She is a hoot to play with. She says so many words and has such a personality. Watch out, cuz her teenage years are going to hard!
It just amazes me at what a little food, love, and medicines can do. I look back at pictures of our trip and realize how far they have come. I just can't believe what they can do.
Language: They have lost most of their native toungue. They are doing so well with their Enlish. They love school and to learn. They are starting to recognize words.
Health: Other than colds, both boys are extremely healthy. We are still fighting ear infections with Sophia.

Ethiopia: It is such a love in my heart. I cannot wait to go back to wait for our new little one. The boys are excited to visit soon. I hope to travel to the birth area of the boys when I go. I will be doing a lot fundraising for the adoption, so stay tuned!
Activities: The boys get along so well. It is quite amazing. They are great kids. Sophia is walking everywhere now. It is hard to control her.
Well, I just pray we continue to have growth from thm. They are such a blessing!


KT said...

Isnt it amazing how fast time goes! You kids are SO sweet! :)

Lanel said...

It's always fun seeing your kids on Monday nights. Just from across the room I can see such a huge change in them. They sure have wonderful personalities. :)

The Barr Family said...

what a great post! It is funny to see the referral pics because I remember those pictures so well! I also love that his birthday is St Paddy's day. I got Maren a St. Pts shirt to wear to school tomorrow...because yes he is Irish Ethiopian! :)

Leah said...

God is so good! It is so neat to see how far all our kiddos have come...You are in my thoughts and prayers.

PastormacsAnn said...

It's amazing to see the contrast and changes in just 8 months! Wonderful. They are all so beautiful.