Wednesday, May 23, 2007

3rd time is a charm, right?

So, in just about 8 hours we will have our 3rd court date. I thought it would be smooth sailing until tonight, yet tomorrow morning we got a call from our caseworker. It went something like this:

Is Sandra there?
This is she.
This is >>>> from AAI. I have some news for you.
OK. (at this point I thought either Nafkot died, was withdrawn from adoption, or we passed court)
The grandmother has decided to put Nafkot's brother up for adoption.
We want to know if you would be interseted.

So the conversation continued as my heart beat faster and faster. After many phone calls, emails, prayer, and talks, it was decided we would not adopt him. It turns out that the Grandmother doesn't want them to be split up and since we are not going to adopt him, she will keep him and we will just sponsor him.

So, a crazy 36 hours I must say. I really hope court passes tonight. I am tired of waiting and so ready to go get her! I tentatively have tickets booked for July 18th.

So, please pray for us that this time it happens. I want a full nights sleep for once! :)



Lanel said...

Prayers for sleep for you tonight. Look forward to hearing how it went tomorrow.

PastormacsAnn said...

Wow! Will be praying that your court date is successful and that you'll get some sleep.