Sunday, October 08, 2006

30 days of nothing

So, we are starting something new. A couple of weeks ago I read about a group of people for 30 days going down to living on nothing. Cutting out fast food, lattes, electricity, creamer, butter, extras, movies, etc. So, I thought, why not? Why not try to understand what it would be like for our children on one day and go without electricity or eat just rice for a day. Even doing this I will never fully understand how difficult it must be to watch your parents die of measles or AIDS, or TB, or fire, or infection. Or what it really must feel like to every day eat potatoes and injera ONLY. To not have diet pepsi or 4 parts to dinner - meat, bread, veggies, drink. To actually have clean water that a city can vote whether or not to add flouride. Or to have a toothbrush and toothpaste. How sad for my boys to find out they never brushed their teeth until they met us. Caleb told me "No soccer mom, Caleb shoes all gone". How can I ever fathom this?

I told George someday we are going to have to get the big 13 passenger van because we are NOT done with adoption. Whenever God is ready, so are we. My heart yearns to return. To feel like I can do something more for them. Why am I so blessed to be here? Why did God put me here in this house 50 times bigger than their homes? Why did God see that we are worthy of His love and to show others of this love. I sat in church today trying to grasp how much He loves me. I realized that eventhough there is so much sin in my life now, before and later, God sees me as clean, pure and childlike. I thought of Darth Vadar (OK, so I grew up on Star Wars). Anakin was good once, he was drawn to evil. That good never really left him. He did a lot of bad things in his life. His son believed in him that there was just enough good. In the end (sorry if I spoil this for anyone), he too saw there was more to being good than bad. He saved himself. We are to be like this and know that the good in this world is worth so much more. Why be shadowed in the darkness of hatred, lust, envy, evil when we can be in the light of Jesus. God has given us so much, it is the least we can do for him.

So, with that, I will be journaling about our journey of 30 days of nothing over the next month. I must fully admit we stocked up before starting tomorrow. I know a lot of the other families really cut out the "extras". Maybe next month we will try something different. I saw this on in case any of you decide you would like to try. So, we will see if we bought enough meats, veggies, fruits, etc. Hopefully we don't end up with Top Ramen or Mac'n'Cheese for the last week!

Hope God is blessing you all just as He continues to bless us. May His grace find you always! Thanks for reading.

A parting picture of our weekend picking pumpkins, rasperries and apples. More too come on our Greenbluff trip. Nick, Giovanni and Caleb had a great time bonding together.

Even Sophia had fun with the pumpkins!

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