Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day, Garage Sale, Updates

What a weekend! We had our garage sale and I still haven't caught up on sleep. I just found out today I will be putting together a workshop on Ethiopia at an adoption seminar this weekend. Pray for me and the right words.

I also had a great Mother's Day. They got me a really cool diaper bag, Strawberry Shortcake stuff, windchimes, sweat tarts, and a beautiful watch. It fits perfect and the diaper bag will be great for 3 children!

Not much on the adoption front, business as usual. Just getting everything ready for when we have to travel to get our babies. I met so many mothers from my neighborhood this weekend it was wonderful. I also met a little 5 yr old boy up the street who just started playing hockey. I introduced him to my hubby who may be his future coach. He was pretty excited.

Well, not much here, just catching up on season finales (I know we are tv junkies). TIVO will do that to you. I am excited to have kids so we can't watch tv as much.

Blessings to you all. Remember and hold to God's love, His compassion, His grace, and His Mercy.

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