Saturday, April 08, 2006

Adoption as God's call

So, I went through some pictures today and thought I would share them with you. Remember, I am about 3 years behind! Things are going ok right now. George and I went kid clothes shopping today at the fairgrounds. It was fun, we found a lot of cute things. I just wish we knew how old the girl is! But God knows and that is all that matters.

Dad came up to bring us our new (used) truck. It has been a great weekend to visit and catch up (eventhough HE kept us up late). :) He heads back tomorrow to Montana to prepare for Mom's surgery.

I heard from Tracy (CWA) that a "package" shoud be here anytime. We will see if our referral is there! I have been talking a lot with some ladies from the program which helps. It is amazing how many of us feel the same! I do want to say one of the moms wrote on her website a piece about adopting. I have included her comments. I agree with what she has to say. Until you go through this, it is hard to understand.

Adoption is NOT Plan B-
People constantly say to us "once this child comes home, you'll get pregnant." I know they are well-meaning so I try not to get upset but here's my opportunity to share some facts that everyone who has said this (or thought this) should know:
First, adoption is not "Plan B." It is a choice to have a family -- just like achieving a pregnancy is. Whether the decision was spawned out of an inability to achieve a pregnancy does not mean that it is a less favorable means of starting a family. It's simply a different course toward the same goal, which is having a child.
Second, you're wrong. Everyone hears stories about the women who get pregnant after adopting because not getting pregnant after an adoption is, well, not exactly "newsworthy." However, statistics show that only 8% of adoptive parents ultimately have a biological child.
Third, please understand that when you say this to an adoptive parent it sounds like you are trying to console us. We, as adoptive parents, are no less thrilled, excited or grateful than a birth parent to have been blessed beyond measure in words by God with the charge of caring for this child (who, though not flesh and blood, is our own).
Simply put, if you placed him in my womb we could not love him more.

Although some of it sounds harsh, I think she is right. Until you go through this process you can't understand what it is like! In George and I's mind we ARE pregnant! We are just giving birth to a 5 yr old boy, a 3 yr old boy and a baby girl all at once. How many of you have 2 or more kids, you manage. Just because we are doing it all at once doesn't mean we can't handle it. There are so many kids out there that need a home, why should we be selfish and stress and worry about when (and if) we will get pregnant. I yearn for my babies and can't wait to bring them home. Will it be stressful, absolutely! Will our lives change? I hope so!

SO, Why adopt? Well. we are called by God to care for all children. So I ask, Why not?
Matt. 25:40 says – The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” When we take care of the fatherless, we are caring for God's child. When God speaks, shouldn't we answer his call? I am not saying everyone should adopt. There are many ways to help the orphaned children. Sponsor a child, donate to agencies such as Christian World Adoption, Kingdom Kids (see my links) or your local church. Through help, these children have a chance to survive and to learn about Christ.

Thank you for reading my ramblings. Let me know what you think!

In Christ,

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