Sunday, June 04, 2006

I am a blessed woman

So, I got the email I had been waiting for all week. Updates from Michelle (my case worker) on how my kids are doing. Sophia: she held for a 1/2 hour and said she was chubby, sweet and smiley. Caleb: she said was wonderful. Giovanni: she got to ride with (for 7 hours) from Soddo (where he is from) to Addis (where the foster orphanage is). She said he was scared and didn't know anyone and didn't say anything for almost all of the ride. But, she said he was brave and well-behaved. I was so excited to read these words! I just know I will get pictures soon!

On another happy note. I had my second baby shower. It just reiterates how blessed I am. We have almost everything we need almost just from gifts! Mom and Grandma absolutely spoiled these kids. I never knew it took so much to get started for a baby!

You all know by now, I try to include what I have learned over the days between posts. Like I said in the title, I am a blessed woman. Here is why:

*Jesus died on the cross for me and ALL my sins.
*My hubby was gone for 4 days and life fell apart without him. He is my special and wonderful blessing. He takes care of me and holds me together.
*My family spoils me and all my children. So do my friends. We have a whole bedroom full of gifts!
*I have a house, a car, a job, warmth, food, health insurance, and so much more.
*God has chosen ME to care for these innocent children of His. He really believes in us and our ability to care and nurture and lead these children in a Godly home. He knows we will raise our children to know who our Savior is and to see His love and protection for them.
*To live in a free country.
*To be alive.
*To have the right to pick up my cross and carry it every day.
*To have the right to say "Jesus is my Savior" out loud to anyone and witness to them.
*I could go on and on, but I have a few more points.

We learned today at church about a new step our church is taking and all the miracles we have gotten over 8 yrs since 2 families started God's calling to start a church - in their backyard. We talked about how the church went from 50 people to 6100 in 8 years and we are projected to be at 9000 next year. We had 500 baptisms last year and our middle school youth group is 400 (we know, we are there every wednesday with these kids :) I was once again reminded of God's power in ANYTHING He believes in. Our pastor shared with us why we have grown so quickly (OK, besides God's ability). Our church loves the unchurched. We love to reach out and see why people are they way they are and find out how to help them. He reminds us to pick up our cross, praise the Lord and preach the gospel to anyone. God will take care of opening their hearts.

He also talked about our recovery program. I have a family of recovering addicts. I have been really good about blaming them and honestly not giving them any credit and giving up on them. Even right now. Our pastor (a recovering addict) tolds us how we are ALL recovering addicts - addicts of sin. So, as christians we are to help pick up an addict and help them see the love of the Lord and the forgiveness they and we all deserve. God loves us all - whether drugs, sex, murder, lies, stealing, cheating, or just plain not believing in Him - He loves us. He loves us more than my father or mother love me, more than I will ever love my husband or children, more than Himself. He sent his only Son to the cross to save us from these sinful addictions. Remind someone struggling each day of this. I know He opened my heart to what I am to work on myself when dealing with my family and friends.

Finally, as our pastor said "Make it hard on God and easy on us." So, I pray for God to take my burdens from me. I pray He takes all the hard times and lets life be a little easy for awhile. He will do this. He already has. He is our Perfector. I can't believe what blessings I have in my life. Most importantly - God's almighty love.

1 Peter 4:8 "Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins." I need to remind myself of this daily. God loves the sinner and hates the sin, shouldn't I?

I pray the Lord speaks to your and my heart this week. I pray He helps us all see life and others through His eyes, not our own. I am going to try to keep track this week of the "bad" thoughts I have of others and then try to replace it with God's thoughts of that person. Let me know what you see and what you think.


1 comment:

Leah said...

Thank you Sandra! I am so glad that God lead us to know one another.