Thursday, June 08, 2006

Three children in court, a new mom to wait

So, the babies shoud be in court right now. It is 10 am their time in Addis, Ethiopia and 11 pm Washington State time. So much to think about and pray about and be humbled about. I am already a mother - to 3 wonderful boys. I did not give birth to them or raise them from infancy. I got them at 12 yrs old and 14 yrs old and 18 yrs old. But, they are my children in my heart. Stepchildren are a lot like adopted children. They are conceived in the heart. I love all my children and I would die for them all. I pray for them, cry for them, dream for them.

This is the first time I will be a "new" mom for little ones. I am scared, happy, nervous, excited, and mostly humbled. God is so awesome at what He has orchastrated in my life especially right now. I can't believe how quickly this process has been! I could be a mom right now! We started this process in mid-February and we should be back home with our children almost 6 months later. I look at the stresses of this process, dossier (morning sickness), fingerprinting (first ultrasound), referrals (2nd trimester tired, weird cravings, etc), court date (swollen ankles, tears, emotions), embassy date (birthday!). I have never had children naturally. I don't know what morning sickness feels like or being that tires or weird cravings, but I do know that I have had my stomach in knots, no sleep, emotional outbursts (this includes manic behavior), and weird cravings to tide over the stress.

What have I learned through all of this. I am so close with God. He is my Savior and He keeps His promises. When He created this earth He knew which children would be mine. I have learned to be patient with Him. I give it to Him. I have learned to release my burdens and make it hard on God and easy on me. I have fell in love with my husband again knowing we are going to be parents. I have fell in love with my stepchildren again, being reminded they are precious to God just as much as I am. I finally realized God's full love for me. I never fully understood the sacrifices God made for me until know. He is the ultimate Father and a perfect example for me to follow. I have learned to ask for help even when I don't want to. (Yes, I will let you all know shortly what we need done!).

There you have it! My ah-ha thoughts at 11:30 pm as my brain starts to shut down.

Please pray for us and our new children in this important time in our lives. Pray for the Ethiopian staff and judges as they hear our case. Pray for our hearts as we anxiously wait. Pray for travel opportunities on the miraculous side (that is entirely separate entry). Pray for our children's families as they lose a family member. Pray for the children as God prepares them for their journey to America and our house.

I am going to bed now. I just know God will give me rest tonight.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Praying for you and your children! Soon they will be in your arms forever!