Tuesday, June 27, 2006


We wait our whole lives for great things. We wait to give birth. Then as a baby we wait for the bottle, the diaper change. As a child we wait for Kindergarten ("big school"), we wait for Junior High, for High School. While in high school we wait for the perfect boy/girl, our driver's license for Joey to ask us to the prom, for graduation, senior skip day, college. In college we wait for our first dorm experience, life without parents, late night studies, finals, and yet again graduation. Then we wait for the phone call to say "you got the job" or "better luck next time". Women wait for the perfect man to marry and have kids with. Men wait for the perfect women. We wait for the ring and the I wills and then the I do. We wait for the two pink lines to say "You're Pregnant".

And so it is with adoption. I waited for George to say "I will". This happened on January 15th, my 30th birthday. Then we waited for the "Your approved! The checks in the mail." This happened on Feb 8th. You wait for the homestudy meeting (February 13th) and the approved study (March 13th). And then on to waiting for UCIS and that oh so wanted 171H form (May 3rd). Or the phone call for the "we have a baby girl for you! she is gorgeus!" (May 1st). Then we waited to hear when the court date was. Our first court date was June 9th. Then waiting and waiting for the "You're Parents!" We didn't initially get that call, we got the "You have another court date - June 14th". So we waited for the "You're parents" again (June 16th). And now we wait for our travel date. This will be the last phone call we truly "wait" for. The next big wait is the day we sit in the hotel lobby and wait for our children to come meet us for the first time.

Our life is full of waits. In the end the only wait that really matters is waiting to get to heaven. All these other trials and waits, are only preparation for our eternal home with our Glorious Father. Pray for us today waiting for this phone call. And pray for our travel.

And so the circle of waits begin and transfer to the waits of our children in Ethiopia and here at home. The waits of school, the bottle, the girlfriend, christmas morning, birthday parties, graduations, weddings, and new children. So it is with the Lord as He too waits with us in each of these steps. He waits with us to say "Lord, I trust you. Come into my heart." or "Lord it is thru you that I am saved." or even "Lord, forgive me. I am a sinful man." Trust the Lord, He is our comforter thru all our waits.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Waiting with you Sandra! Praying you get that last phone call really soon!