Saturday, June 17, 2006

I am a mom!

So, it is finally offical. Yep, I am a mom again. We heard last night from our case worker that our court date was successful. We are hoping to travel in the next few weeks. I am humbled at the opportunity to be a parent to these children. I just can't believe God chose me for the task. I know many say "3 kids? No way!" But as long as God calls me to this life, I have to be obedient and follow. He has given me strength when I didn't think I could go on and ge will continue to help me along the way.

I received an email from a friend who is in Ethiopia right now. She is humbled by their way of life. It is shocking how they live and how little they have. Some people only get one meal a day if they are lucky while others go days without. These children don't know to eat and they have to be trained to eat to keep healthy. Please pray for all the children and families in our children's birth country. I feel so blessed to go to this country and experience this journey with those that I love.

I leave you with our children.

Here is Giovanni. He is about 3 1/2 years old. I think he is going to be our energetic Nick-like child. What a great smile.

Here is Caleb's referral picture. He is 5 yrs old and the big brother to this Ethiopian siblings. His updated picture didn't want to work! We love to see him smile and he has got the coolest hair!

Finally, our little girl, Sophia. We think she is about 4 months old. We sent her the little dress she has on along with the shirt and socks. Look at those big eyes!


Leah said...

I'm so happy for you Sandra! I'm glad that you are so close now. Your children are just beautiful.

Lanel said...

I'm so excited for you! One more step closer to having your babies home with you. :)

I just love seeing the pictures of your beautiful kids. :)
