Thursday, January 13, 2011

Laughter - God's best medicine

What makes you laugh the most? I live in a house so chaotic half the time I can’t tell if it is laughter or crying. The shortest sentence in the Bible is “He wept.” Is there a “He laughed”? There should be. When God created each day, I wonder what made Him laugh. Did he see the bubbles coming up from the water/earth as it separated and think “Oh yes! This is what I want to happen when my creatures fart in water?” Or did he laugh when he watched baby animals chase their tales? How often did Adam and Eve laugh, carefree before their bad choice? How much laughter happened after the Fall? We know Sarai laughed at God in negative sarcasm when Abram was told he was going to be a father in his old age.


Is there a difference between laughter and sarcastic laughter? My dear friends and I discuss this often. I personally believe it depends on the heart behind the sarcasm. My sarcasm can come out of hurt, fear, anger, or just plain joking. Thankfully I am surrounded by people who have the same sarcastic mind. It is so hard for me sometimes to be in a room when I spout off something HILARIOUS and no one laughs. Of course, it must be their own boring lives to not get MY jokes. Life is too serious to not laugh at everything – good and bad. I remember a few years ago Caleb threw a rock at our Yukon’s windshield – yes a rock. A perfect circular pattern formed. I was FURIOUS. I jumped in the car, because we were already late on top of the rock pattern, and gunned it down our driveway. CRASH! I ran into Kevin’s red car with the bull horns attached to the front. Yes, I ripped off the bumper. I wanted to cry until Giovanni yells out “Da car is mooning us!” Laughter was the only way out of my bad mood.


I can be too serious I am told by my lovely children and hubby. Loosen up; let it go, settle down! At the time I get so mad at them, but honestly (shh, don’t tell them) they are right. Why do I get so worked up in this world when it is only temporary? God created my laugh, my smile, my sparkle. Why not let it shine. I get suffocated at work sometime with the different personalities, but God is smiling with me. Wanting me to laugh. It really is the best medicine for me. Well, so is dancing but that is another post.


I leave you with my chaotic life story of how laughter is key in my marriage, my family, my relationships, and with my God. George, my hubby, emailed me today asking me “What words did we use to have the kids say because they were so funny?” I thought he meant earth translated to earf, or boots that are boops. Naw, he meant how the boys say ice cream. It sounds like (ear muffs here for those of you who may be offended by a donkey’s aka name) ass-cream. So, my dear Christian husband used to walk into Wal-Mart and ask them? “Do you want some ice cream?!” “Yes!” the boys would respond. “Yes, you want what?” he would ask. “We want ass-cream!”  When I think about this I laugh – hard. It is so funny to me. It brings me back to the joy of my life and the blessings God has bestowed on me. Yes, my friends welcome to beautiful chaos.


Note to readers: I do apologize if my story about the ice cream offended anyone. Just remember, I am open, honest and real on my blog. This is about the beautiful chaos God has planted in my life, my home and my heart. We are not perfect or exempt from mistakes, only saved and forgiven. J


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